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Madrugada - Family counselling & carer support

Family counselling and carer support

The Centre offers support to family members and carers who may be deeply affected and struggling in their own way to cope. Individual and family counselling is available and assists in identifying realistic coping strategies which enable family members and carers to be better equipped emotionally during the illness and treatment of someone they love or care for.

Counselling sessions offer a safe environment in which to express hopes and fears and to discuss concerns and worries openly. Information regarding diagnosis and prognosis is available and compassionately shared when requested. When a loved one is dying, counselling can help with anticipated grief and on into bereavement.

A professional counsellor can help a family to prepare for the loss of their loved one and most people will benefit from this preparation and the impact of loss may be lessened, however, bereavement is an individual journey and for many, the pain of loss endures.