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Madrugada - How your donations are used

How your donations are used

Madrugada relies entirely on the generosity of the general public to offer its services free of charge. Both your cash donations and your support for the Madrugada shops allow us to provide palliative care in the home; specialist equipment to alleviate symptoms and the assurance that our care professionals have the appropriate resources necessary to ensure patients receive the best care possible in their final days.

Typically, our care provision at end-of-life can last from 4 to 14 days. At a daily cost of circa €500 for 24 hour care, this soon adds up to a substantial outlay in both nursing and equipment costs. Where possible, Madrugada endeavours to offset these costs through medical insurance and donations. However, more often than not, there are insufficient funds available to cover the cost of care, so Madrugada must draw on its reserves. Your continuing support not only helps us to provide end-of-life care, but also the many Madrugada services and activities that take place at our Centre in Praia da Luz and in the wider community.

Madrugada does not have any endowment therefore we are doubly aware of the need for tight financial control and careful allocation of resources. Donations are allocated to the Shepherding Fund to cover the cost of care, while contributions to the General Fund are used to improve our resources and to develop Madrugada and its reach across the Algarve.

If you would like to support us in our work, we will be delighted to receive your donation either in a monetary or ‘in-kind’ way.

Some examples of how your donation helps:

  • 1 hour of nursing care with a registered palliative care nurse costs Madrugada €25
  • Average cost to deliver and retrieve an articulated bed, ripple mattress and patient hoist €90
  • Average cost of consumables to care for patient €70
  • Annual rolling programme of renewal of and addition to care equipment stock €4000
  • Average annual cost of provision of specialist training & development for palliative care staff €4000

Please click here to make your donation to Madrugada.


"It was a great comfort to know that when we needed help that Madrugada and the wonderful nurses were there. They supported us through some very difficult times. Thank you so much to Alison and all the nurses."

December 2016